Watering & Plant Care Guidelines

New Sod

Daily for 3 weeks, ½ hour per zone. For the first 7 days, water sod thoroughly so that you cannot walk on it without sinking in. After 3 weeks, when the sod is established (when it does not pull up when gently pulled at) water every other day, ½ hour per zone. Mow high after 3 weeks, then slowly lower the height to the desired cut as weeks progress. Do not water the day before mowing. Do not fertilize your sod directly after installation. Mow your sod 2-3 times before applying a fertilizer. A 18-24-12 or 19-19-19 fertilizer is a good product to apply 30 days after sod has been installed.

Existing Sod

During the hottest months, water 2-3 days per week, ½ hour per zone. Infrequent and deep watering's will keep roots deep below the surface, which makes the turf more resistant to weather conditions.

New Shrubs: Daily, about 1 minute per shrub or 20 minutes with a soaker hose. Water the roots, not the leaves. *Soil should be checked prior to watering by sticking finger in the soil. If soil is dry, apply water; if soil is wet, leave for another day. Make sure to get past the mulch surround, and check the soil, NOT the mulch. These plants have deeper roots and need less frequent watering. For example, Hydrangeas will require a little more water than Viburnums, so be sure to check each individually. Look into applying a root stimulator soon after installation. One can be found at most hardware stores and nurseries.


For the first 2-3 weeks, water and inspect plants every other day, no less than 3 days per week. After the first 2-3 weeks, water 1-2 times per week. Keep checking the soil 2-3 times a week, and water if needed, especially during periods of drought.

Annual Flowers

Should be checked daily. After 3 weeks, should only require watering 3-4 times per week.

Grass Seed: Unlike other plantings, grass seed needs to remain wet during the germination process. The seeded areas can be watered 1-2 times per day to achieve this. As the seed is on the soil surface, deeper watering's for the 1st 2-3 weeks are not required just even watering's until all soil is moist. Do not overwater; this could result in seed run off. After germination the watering should be daily and then longer, deeper watering's are required. Keep the soil surface damp without developing puddles. After germination begin to water more, however, less frequently to help drive root growth down.


New trees have very large root systems. The best way to water is either use a "Gator Bag" that you fill once every 2-3 days and it slowly drips water on the tree or leaving a hose out on the base of the tree at a slow trickle for 20 minutes. Helpful Tip: Always look at the plants to see if they need water. If the tree(s) appear to be healthy and the soil is a little wet, leave them for a day. When the temperature goes up, so does the amount of water required. Plants that haven't been watered in a few days and are drooping should be watered immediately. Most plants will recover from wilting after water is absorbed. Remember, that the roots require time where the soil is slightly dry in order to absorb oxygen, so keeping soil soggy at all times will result in little growth and possibly death. The majority of the water-absorbing roots are in the top 24” of the ground. It is possible to water too much, just as it is possible to water too little. Newly planted trees require 2-3 years for their root system to become fully established. Extra care, watering, and fertilizing may be needed during this time. Do not remove tree stakes and tree rope for one year after initial installation. Look into applying a root stimulator soon after installation. One can be found at most hardware stores and nurseries.

The above are guidelines, not exact directions. All watering is weather dependent. Make adjustments according to temperature and rainfall. Please call/email with any questions.